Sterilize, Deodorize, and Anti-Foul
With Made in Japan Photocatalyst Technology

10-year Guarantee

Japanese Technology

25-Year Proven Track Record
Do you have these Concerns?

Seeking simple, effective, and long-lasting anti-virus measures
Maintain hygiene and contagion free space
Promotes air-purification and deodorization
Protect customers and employees from infection
Want to minimize cluster infection occurrences
Worried of store or office contamination
Alternative sterilization to Alcohol or Hypochlorous acid
Searching for effective anti-soil solution on exterior surface
Solve your concerns with

Application & Past Works

Top 5 Reasons Why You Should Use ARC FLASHTM
Reduced germ & virus count
Reduced smell count
Anti-fouling benefits
Increased day-to-day well being
10 year guaranteed life

How it Works
How it Works
ARC FLASHTM is a Photocatalyst technology, which is considered as one of the most significant Japanese invention of the 21st century. ARC FLASHTM continues to evolve with continuous R&D and currently in its 9th version. With international supply chain and partnership with Fortune 500 companies, ARC FLASHTM is truly a unique product.
How it Works
What is Photocatalyst?
A photocatalyst is a material that functions as a catalyst (alters the rate of a chemical reaction) when exposed to light. Photosynthesis in plants is a well-known example of photocatalysis, in which chlorophyll acts as the photo catalyst. There are various materials that show photocatalytic capability, and titanium dioxide is said to be the most effective.
How it Works
What is titanium dioxide? Is it Safe?
Titanium dioxide is usually a white powder that is widely used in products in our daily lives such as toothpaste, white paint, sunscreen, cosmetics, and chewing gums.
How it Works
Photocatalyst titanium dioxide uses ultraviolet light contained in sunlight and room-light, so it is an environmentally-friendly material.

Bacterial and Viral Decomposition


PM 2.5, Sick Building Syndrome, Odors

ARC FLASHTM is a titanium dioxide-based coating
ARC FLASHTM is a titanium dioxide-based coating agent when applied to any surface, requires only as little as room light to decompose when VOC (Volatile Organic Compound), bacteria, and virus is in contact.
Photocatalyst Main Characteristics
Titanium dioxide is a semiconductor that, when coming in contact with light, produces electrons and electron holes. It then reacts with water and oxygen to create hydroxyl radicals (•OH) and reactive oxygen allowing for the degradation and decomposition of harmful substances. This leads to a self-cleaning effect.
Photocatalysis of Titanium Dioxide

Anti-Staining / Sterilization / Air Purification
Titanium Dioxide Coating

Super Hydrophilicity
When light and water come in contact with a titanium dioxide coated surface, the surface becomes covered with hydrophiles. This super-hydrophilic process loosens dirt and grime found on the surface and water to rinse the surface clean of oil, dirt, grime, dust and other such contaminants. This phenomenon is seen when rain or other water comes in contact with the surface, resulting in self-cleaning.

Original Made-in-Japan photocatalyst technology
25 years of product and technology development
International supply chain with Fortune 500 partners
Partnership with Fortune 500 companies
Certified licensed vendor network
Strong domestic and international track record
The ARC FLASHTM Difference

Cost Considerations

An investment in ARC FLASHTM can have many years of return to you and your loves ones at home or your colleagues in the office and professional environment

One application to an average sized house can work out to be as little as a $1 a day investment on your wellbeing

Over the lifetime of benefits ARC FLASHTM is a lot more economical versus other products that require ongoing re-application